Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Beginning of our Education with Al Quran

     It was that moment whose memory shall be embossed in the hearts and minds and souls of the students, their parents and teachers forever.
The 113 students of class 1, dressed in their finery with eyes shining, were gathered at Burhani Mahal, the Mubarak abode where angels yearn to go, as today, Sunday, gurrato Shehre Jumadil Ukhra,  they were to begin Qur’ane Majeed.
   As-syedul Ajal, Wal-Humamul Mubajjal, Ameerul-Jamea Shehzada Aaliwaqar Qasim Bhaisaheb Hakimuddin Saheb DM recited   ‘Bismillahirrahmanirrahim’ and Suratul Fatehaa and thus with the Raza Mubarak of Aqa Maula TUS entered the children into the realms from whence will commence their journey of Ilm, Amal and Khidmat of both Aqa Maula TUS and Aali Qadr Maula TUS.
     Shehzada Saheb DM prayed for the students especially that they get Yaari and Tawfeeq to do Hifz.